Jupyter Snippet CB2nd 07_synth
Jupyter Snippet CB2nd 07_synth
11.7. Creating a sound synthesizer in the Notebook
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from IPython.display import (
Audio, display, clear_output)
from ipywidgets import widgets
from functools import partial
%matplotlib inline
rate = 16000.
duration = .25
t = np.linspace(
0., duration, int(rate * duration))
def synth(f):
x = np.sin(f * 2. * np.pi * t)
display(Audio(x, rate=rate, autoplay=True))
notes = 'C,C#,D,D#,E,F,F#,G,G#,A,A#,B,C'.split(',')
freqs = 440. * 2**(np.arange(3, 3 + len(notes)) / 12.)
notes = list(zip(notes, freqs))
layout = widgets.Layout(
width='30px', height='60px',
border='1px solid black')
buttons = []
for note, f in notes:
button = widgets.Button(
description=note, layout=layout)
def on_button_clicked(f, b):
# When a button is clicked, we play the sound
# in a dedicated Output widget.
with widgets.Output():
button.on_click(partial(on_button_clicked, f))
# We place all buttons horizontally.