Jupyter Snippet CB2nd 04_energy

Jupyter Snippet CB2nd 04_energy

9.4. Finding the equilibrium state of a physical system by minimizing its potential energy

import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as opt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
g = 9.81  # gravity of Earth
m = .1  # mass, in kg
n = 20  # number of masses
e = .1  # initial distance between the masses
l = e  # relaxed length of the springs
k = 10000  # spring stiffness
P0 = np.zeros((n, 2))
P0[:, 0] = np.repeat(e * np.arange(n // 2), 2)
P0[:, 1] = np.tile((0, -e), n // 2)
A = np.eye(n, n, 1) + np.eye(n, n, 2)
# We display a graphic representation of
# the matrix.
f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)


L = l * (np.eye(n, n, 1) + np.eye(n, n, 2))
for i in range(n // 2 - 1):
    L[2 * i + 1, 2 * i + 2] *= np.sqrt(2)
I, J = np.nonzero(A)
def dist(P):
    return np.sqrt((P[:,0]-P[:,0][:,np.newaxis])**2 +
def show_bar(P):
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(5, 4))

    # Wall.
    ax.axvline(0, color='k', lw=3)

    # Distance matrix.
    D = dist(P)

    # Get normalized elongation in [-1, 1].
    elong = np.array([D[i, j] - L[i, j]
                      for i, j in zip(I, J)])
    elong_max = np.abs(elong).max()

    # The color depends on the spring tension, which
    # is proportional to the spring elongation.
    colors = np.zeros((len(elong), 4))
    colors[:, -1] = 1  # alpha channel is 1

    # Use two different sequentials colormaps for
    # positive and negative elongations, to show
    # compression and extension in different colors.
    if elong_max > 1e-10:
        # We don't use colors if all elongations are
        # zero.
        elong /= elong_max
        pos, neg = elong > 0, elong < 0
        colors[pos] = plt.cm.copper(elong[pos])
        colors[neg] = plt.cm.bone(-elong[neg])

    # We plot the springs.
    for i, j, c in zip(I, J, colors):
        ax.plot(P[[i, j], 0],
                P[[i, j], 1],

    # We plot the masses.
    ax.plot(P[[I, J], 0], P[[I, J], 1], 'ok',)

    # We configure the axes.
    ax.set_xlim(P[:, 0].min() - e / 2,
                P[:, 0].max() + e / 2)
    ax.set_ylim(P[:, 1].min() - e / 2,
                P[:, 1].max() + e / 2)

    return ax
ax = show_bar(P0)
ax.set_title("Initial configuration")


def energy(P):
    # The argument P is a vector (flattened matrix).
    # We convert it to a matrix here.
    P = P.reshape((-1, 2))
    # We compute the distance matrix.
    D = dist(P)
    # The potential energy is the sum of the
    # gravitational and elastic potential energies.
    return (g * m * P[:, 1].sum() +
            .5 * (k * A * (D - L)**2).sum())
bounds = np.c_[P0[:2, :].ravel(),
               P0[:2, :].ravel()].tolist() + \
    [[None, None]] * (2 * (n - 2))
P1 = opt.minimize(energy, P0.ravel(),
                  bounds=bounds).x.reshape((-1, 2))
ax = show_bar(P1)
ax.set_title("Equilibrium configuration")
